
Meet the Team


    "I love stories of how God's Word, His Son, has breathed and continues to breathe life into me and those around me. It truly is amazing when you enter into the story of what God is doing in the world. Words stop being ink on a page of a long-lost text and become seeds of hope, love, and life from a Father who is greater than we could imagine and loves more than we could ever comprehend. God is telling His story through our lives. As we experience it, we find true joy. I pray it never ends. I know it will cost everything. I'm confident it is worth every last cent!"

    Jason holds a Bachelors of Business degree from the University of Washington. He has served the church for over 28 years in different capacities including worship leader, youth pastor, church planting, and executive pastor. Jason has most recently served the church as equipping pastor over men's, marriage, and care ministries. He currently serves as the Executive Director of Summit Initiative and volunteers in a variety of roles serving the local church. Jason and his wife, Stephanie, have been married for 21 years and have three incredible children; Levi, Seth and Addison.


    "The Summit Initiative retreat format was more impactful than any other single training I've been through. The material led me back through my early years of life before Jesus saved me. Seeing the situations, the people, and the evil that He was wanting to set me free from only magnified just how much He loved me. I came away being able to acknowledge my past and tell my story in a way that makes God the hero. I also learned how to respond best when someone else shares their story. These tools continue to bear fruit in my closest relationships. I've always wanted others to have the chance to know, love, and serve the Lord with all of their being, and now I'm better equipped to help them to do so."

    Chris is a former Navy Corpsman and Seminary graduate, with a Masters in Organizational Leadership. Chris has been in ministry work for over 30 years; church planting, pastoring, training church planters nationally and internationally, as well as coaching various leaders. Chris and his wife, Susan have been married for 32 years and have four children; Isabel, Paige, Liam, and Chet.


    Sunny has served in many roles within the church world including missionary for 10 years to Asian countries. Sunny is a gifted leader and translator, speaking English, Korean, and Chinese. She translated the Summit material into Korean and facilitated the translation into Chinese. Sunny serves as the Program Director over all Summit activities in South Korea including church workshops, marriage workshops, military workshops, online gatherings, and event planning.

Meet the Board

  • Caleb Farnworth | BOARD CHAIR

    "I enjoy seeing people experience the love of Christ and discover how much they mean to a God who cares about them. I care deeply about influencing people towards a relationship with Jesus Christ that results in a truly infectious joy. I love how Summit allows people to be authentic and truly accepted. I love how Summit helps people understand they are part of a bigger story than they ever realized, and that their life matters! These are just a few of the reasons I am committed to the work of Summit Initiative. It never gets old seeing someone's life change as a result of experiencing Christ's love."

    Caleb and his wife, Ashley, have been married for 10 years and enjoy cuddles and play time with their four children: Emery, Hudson, Kian, and Brielle. Caleb is an experienced commercial real estate broker and investor. He has experience in negotiation, asset management, management, and leadership. Caleb earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Finance from the University of Washington.

  • Randy Hartmann | BOARD VICE CHAIR

    "The life and story of Jesus and the desire of The Father for His creation have crystalized in a new way for me in recent years. As a lifelong follower of Jesus, (with detours along the way) I have never experienced the reality of His Word like I have in recent years and feel I am starting to, “comprehend the length and width and height and depth of His love” in new and life-giving, life-affirming ways. I grow increasingly confident that He desires to bring restoration and life to each of our souls, and have seen this in action each time I attend one of the Summit weekends."

    Randy received his Bachelors degree in Business at Western Washington University with a focus on Finance and Economics. He is currently the President of Pacificpro Sales, a fresh produce sales, marketing and distributor located in Bellevue, WA. He has been with Pacificpro for 18 years and spent 5 years in corporate banking prior. He started the not-for-profit Young Professionals of Great Seattle in 2003, was named 40 Under 40 in the Agricultural Industry in 2015 and named one of 25 Young Leaders in the US by the American-Swiss Leadership Conference in 2017. Randy and his wife Stephanie married in 2013 and have two sons, Jacob and Cole.

  • David Visser | BOARD SECRETARY

    "I am inspired by how God continues to work in me and the lives of others who lean into a relationship with Him. I found true freedom in Christ when I realized my identify in Him, and when I opened my eyes to the real opposition that exists in this world (and the power we have over it, in Him!). Stepping into God's plan is messy, time consuming, and inconvenient... but the rewards are more than worth it when we get to see how God shows up in incredible ways. To Him be the glory!"

    Dave and his wife, Angie, have been married since 2007 and have two lively, entertaining, and amazing boys; Cohen and Jude. They live in Redmond, WA and attend Reach Church. Dave is a Salesforce consultant at Slalom Consulting and holds a Business Management and Marketing degree from Whitworth University.

  • Daniel Lao | BOARD MEMBER

    Dan grew up in Illinois where his parents found the only way to keep him out of trouble was to fill his time playing soccer, basketball, running track, and even a short (and unsuccessful) stint in archery. For college, he attended the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, where he played volleyball and sprint football. After graduating in 2005, he joined the Army as a 2nd Lieutenant. In January 2013, Dan made the decision to leave active duty as a Major to start a CrossFit gym. While no longer a full-time Soldier, Dan loves the opportunity to teach, inspire, and encourage others to better themselves.

  • Brett De Yager | BOARD MEMBER

    “Over the past several years especially, I have experienced a depth of love from my Heavenly Father that is difficult to sum up in just a few words. This love has transformed my heart in ways I never even knew to ask for. It is out of His love that God compels us to push past fear and love big, love abnormally, and even love a bit recklessly at times. What an incredible opportunity we have to give others a glimpse of the Father’s heart toward us!”

    Brett earned his Bachelors of Science from Azusa Pacific University and then went on to earn a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Puget Sound. He now works as a physical therapist in Bellevue, WA since 2013. Brett and wife, Eva, are heavily involved at Reach Church in Kirkland, WA. Brett is the volunteer lead of the prayer and men’s care ministries.

  • Richard Martin | BOARD MEMBER

    Personal Injury Attorney, Richard Martin, is the founder and owner of R Martin Group, a Washington-based law firm with offices in Bellevue and Tacoma. Rich has 26 years of extensive legal experience advising clients on a wide variety of personal injury matters. Rich is an accomplished litigator and respected member of the personal injury community. His years of experience have helped him become a skilled negotiator with ability to provide highly effective legal counsel.

    Rich resides in Bellevue with his wife Jin, and their children Faith, Stephen, and Noel. Rich supports Jin’s passion of serving the U. S. Military with Soldier BBQ’s both in the U.S. and Korea. Rich has previously served on the Monroe, Washington YWAM Pneuma Springs Board of Directors from January 2018 to August 2022.

In 2012 Jason took a leap of faith to tell his story…

Sitting around a table with a group of friends Jason had the opportunity to share his life story. And not the cleaned-up and polished version he had shared so many times before - but his real story - the version that included the trauma, the setbacks, and the disappointments. He told the truth, not knowing how his friends would respond, or what the repercussions might be. When he looked up from telling the honest truth he found not judgment but compassion, not hardship but friendship, not hopelessness but a future. Now, nearly 10 years later, Summit Initiative exists to help others have the same breakthroughs he had that night - to discover that they aren’t alone in their suffering, that God has a greater plan for their story and that they can live as their authentic selves, every day.



Ready to discover the story God wants to tell with your life? Sign up for our next workshop: