Increase resiliency and build unit cohesion with the Summit Initiative Model

Training, mentorship, and a network of ministry leaders to aid chaplains as they build service-member-led small groups in their units


To be effective, service members need to be in peak physical, moral, and spiritual condition

But there’s a problem:

  • Stigma around getting help

  • Limited opportunity for leadership progression

  • Unclear path to authentic community

  • Trauma keeps them from progress

  • Tools for change are often ineffective

  • Burden of care lands solely on Chaplains


The Summit Initiative Workshop increases resiliency and builds unit cohesion:


What chaplains are saying:

“This is the training we want our Soldiers to have…”


What Summit Initiative Provides:

  • Resources and support for chaplains

  • Access to a network of like-minded leaders through certification

  • Practical tools to establish unit-based small groups

  • Ongoing coaching and mentorship

Equip your service members with the resources they need to be effective:


1. Register for chaplain certification


2. Attend the workshop


3. Join the network

What People Are Saying


“The Summit Initiative workshop was extremely powerful, peace giving and liberating. I believe this will take me to the next level in every area of my life.”


“I’ve been to Summit twice and my live has changed dramatically. My love for God and other people has increased and I’ve never been better”


“I feel that this training was some of the most real and life changing training in my military service.”

Benefits for Units:



Service members learn to communicate truthfully without fearing repercussions - reducing errors.

Increased TRUST

Service members experience an improved ability to rely on others within their unit - improving effectiveness.

Increased UNITY

Service members create genuine connections with others in their unit - improving team cohesion.

Increased MORALE

Summit Initiative gives service members the tools they need to communicate their life stories - improving unit morale.

Increased HOPE

Service members report an increased optimism about their future - improving mental health across the unit.