Build your organization’s connection with your mission and with each other

Training to equip your team to build communities of care in your organizations and those you serve


You can help your teams authentically engage in relationships and build strong communities

But there’s a problem:

  • Unequipped to have hard conversations

  • Loneliness prevents connection

  • Care is left to the professionals

  • Past hurts prevent authenticity

  • Interactions are surface level

  • Vulnerability isn’t reciprocated


Summit Initiative gives you the tools to increase your communities’ ability to connect with each other and your mission


 Supporting At-risk Youth

Joy was one of the dozens of at-risk youth that attended a Summit Initiative MyStory Workshop. At the trainings youth are able to share their stories, be affirmed that they have value, and be encouraged to pursue their dreams.


Resourcing and Supporting Women

  • Resources and support for organization leaders

  • Practical tools to establish authentic community

  • Ongoing coaching and mentorship

Make today the day you equip your community:


1. Register for Workshop


2. Attend the Workshop


3. Empower your People

What People Are Saying


“There was such power in being able to tell my story and feel heard, supported, and accepted. It truly brought to light how my story is a tool and one that only I have.”


“My story doesn’t define who I am. It has molded me into someone who is capable of so many amazing things.”


“I learned that God was with me so much more than I ever realized.”

Benefits for your people


Increased Vulnerability

Members learn to communicate honestly, without fearing others’ opinions - strengthening community.

Increased Unity

Members create genuine connections with others in the church - improving cohesion.

Increased Trust

Members experience an improved ability to rely on others within the church - improving church health.

Increased Morale

Summit Initiative gives members the tools they need to communicate their life stories - improving morale.

Increased Hope

Members report an increased optimism about their future - improving mental health.